Downgrade Windows 11 to 10: A Comprehensive Guide

Downgrade Windows 11 to 10: In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of downgrade Windows 11 to 10. While Windows 11 offers several exciting new features and improvements, there may be instances where you prefer to stick with the familiarity and compatibility of Windows 10. Whether it’s for personal preference or to ensure compatibility with specific software, we understand your need to downgrade. Follow the steps outlined below to successfully downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10.

Preparing for the Downgrade Windows 11 to 10

Before proceeding with the downgrade, it’s essential to take a few preparatory steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Backup your data: Prioritize the safety of your files and documents by creating a backup. This ensures that your important data is secure and can be easily restored after the downgrade process.
  2. Check system requirements: Verify that your device meets the minimum system requirements for Windows 10. This will help prevent any compatibility issues during the downgrade.
  3. Gather installation media: Obtain a copy of the Windows 10 installation media, such as a USB drive or DVD. You can download the official Windows 10 ISO from the Microsoft website or use alternative sources.
Downgrade Windows 11 to 10
Downgrade Windows 11 to 10


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Step-by-Step Downgrade Windows 11 to 10

Once you have completed the necessary preparations, follow these step-by-step instructions to downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10:

Step 1: Access the BIOS

To initiate the Downgrade Windows 11 to 10 process, you’ll need to access the BIOS settings of your device. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Restart your computer: Click on the “Start” menu and select “Restart” while holding the Shift key.
  2. Access the UEFI firmware: During the restart, repeatedly press the specific key combination (e.g., F2, Del, or Esc) displayed on your screen to enter the UEFI firmware settings.

Step 2: Change Boot Order

Once you’re in the BIOS settings, follow these instructions to change the boot order:

  1. Navigate to the Boot tab: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate to the “Boot” tab within the BIOS settings.
  2. Change the boot order: Move the entry for your installation media (USB drive or DVD) to the top of the boot order list. This ensures that your computer boots from the installation media during the downgrade process.
  3. Save and exit: Save the changes made to the boot order and exit the BIOS settings. Your computer will restart.

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Step 3: Install Windows 10

Now that you have modified the boot order, it’s time to install Windows 10 on your device. Follow these instructions:

  1. Boot from the installation media: Insert the USB drive or DVD containing the Windows 10 installation files and restart your computer. It should now boot from the installation media.
  2. Select language and region settings: Choose your preferred language, time, and currency format, as well as your region settings.
  3. Enter the product key: If prompted, enter the product key for your Windows 10 version. If you don’t have one, you can skip this step and activate Windows later.
  4. Accept the license terms: Read and accept the license terms to proceed with the installation.
  5. Choose installation type: Select the “Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)” option.
  6. Select the installation partition: Choose the partition where you want to install Windows 10. Ensure that you select the appropriate partition to avoid accidentally overwriting important data.
  7. Install Windows 10: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. Your computer will restart multiple times during the installation.

Step 4: Post-Installation Setup

After successfully Downgrade Windows 11 to 10 , you’ll need to perform a few post-installation steps:

  1. Install drivers: Install the necessary drivers for your hardware components to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Update Windows: Connect your device to the internet and check for Windows updates. Install all available updates to keep your system secure and up to date.
  3. Restore your files: Use the backup you created earlier to restore your personal files and documents.

Congratulations! You have successfully downgraded from Windows 11 to Windows 10. Enjoy the familiarity and compatibility of Windows 10 while keeping your system running smoothly.


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